The Womb Healing is suitable for women and men and offers a transformational experience of epiphanies, powerful healing and joyful alignment with increasing prosperity and well-being.

This guided journey back in time will help you explore and clearly understand how your developing body inside your mother's womb was directly affected by her experience of life.

You will learn to identify and resolve trauma based imprints that are limiting your well-being and your authentic self-expression.

As you journey within to support your prenatal experience, you can start enjoying the benefits of transcended limitations, unlocked potential, feeling safe and worthy to accept all life's blessings.

A word from your guide through the womb healing.

Welcome, I am grateful you were guided here. Let me share a little about my journey that has inspired me to create this guided healing experience for you.

I have spent seven years supporting near two thousand individuals on their own healing journey. Among many modalities that I explored, I value the most the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon and Metaphysical Anatomy Healing Technique by Evette Rose.

The invaluable transformational experiences and epiphanies that I witnessed by simply applying what I learned into practice with my clients inspired requests for me to record and share various types of guided inner journeys for people who seek support on their way back Home to radiant wholeness.

(In case you are in a difficulty and can't afford the fee, send me an email to access the course with my compliments.)

May you and your entire family lineage be blessed by this guided healing journey if you choose to experience it.

With best wishes,


What you will find inside this mini course is a relevant content in a text and video format.

You will need means to note down your epiphanies that you experience as you reflect on the presented material and go through the guided inner journey.

Create your sacred space and reserve approximately 3 hours of your focused attention to make the most of this deep healing experience.

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


Learn how your experience of the world around you may be a reflection of how your developing body experienced being surrounded by the amniotic fluid. Was the water quality pure or rather toxic due to mother's environment or her lifestyle choices? Addressing this in the Womb Healing journey can significantly improve how you feel in any environment.


The condition of the placenta played a key role in what kind of blueprints formed that influence how you experience receiving or not receiving support, protection and nourishment in your life.


How you connect and experience relationships with others may have been impacted by what kind of frequency was flowing through the umbilical cord for 9 months. Was the flow of energy easy and open or stiff and tense?


The final and crucial element of this guided healing journey is reclaiming your divine birth right to feel safe and to feel at peace in your own body.

To feel loved, supported and celebrated as a gift to this world, acknowledged as a perfectly unique expression of Source.

You will be gently guided to accept the blessings streaming in from the higher selves of your ancestors. From the part of their multidimensional Being that is unaffected by human trauma and limiting personalities. The part that is radiantly aligned with divine mother and divine father archetypes.

You will feel ready to welcome unconditional love and infinite support that will continue streaming in to heal and bless your life.

If you struggle with limiting behaviour patterns that run in your family, that don't seem to shift no matter what you tried to change them, consciously bringing healing energy to the womb that held your developing body may be the missing key to help you resolve multi-generational energy blocks.

In a world marked by disconnection and fragmentation, ancestral healing focused on our time in the womb offers a profound tool on our path towards wholeness and our collective evolution towards harmony and peace.

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Feedback from wonderful people who experienced

the Womb Healing Journey


Thank you for this amazing womb healing session and even though I tuned in a bit late I realized that it was really all divinely orchestrated.... Thanks Julia for this beautiful healing.

Today I did the healing again and it was just huge. I was working on my female ancestral line a lot already, and I thought that I cleared the most important things, but it turned out that my body still carried so many blueprints that are not aligned with my higher essence so today I released a lot of overlays.

And I feel that I need to do it again, for myself, my mother, her mother and my daughter. I also pulled my last past life trauma into the clearing process as it was related to maternal betrayal...

In short an amazing session with so many layers of healing and change.



My mother had a really hard pregnancy (I am the 8th member of my family and was always told I was an accident + the sister born before me had a rare disease: cornelia de lange syndrom so my mother was scared of having another abnormal baby for 9 month and crying every night...)

Thanks to this womb healing session I am starting to have revelations about the unsatisfying life I created because of my experience in the womb so I am really in a gratitude state that life brought me this opportunity to address that.

Thank you again for your generosity and sharing your experience!



"Julia’s womb healing was extremely beneficial for me. It created a palpable movement in my thoughts, like a clearing that was just so ready to happen. The direction of visualization was beautiful and it really provided an empowering energy that I was able to feel into. 

I definitely recommend giving this healing a try. I look forward to doing it again. Thank you Julia for this heart felt creation.”

With Love,

Sabrina Savoy


I felt psychically blocked for many months prior to this session. I felt disconnected from my clear seeing, and thought I had lost it from too much stress and blockages.

​Two days past this healing session, my mother called me for some spiritual guidance and while sending her Reiki, I was once again able to perceive full on higher guidance coming in clearly as a movie in my mind. I rejoiced. 

Since my Womb Healing Session the magic is happening again.

When my mom and I were just having fun, relaxing and just playing like children with spirit, I was once again able to tap in and truly connect to her/higher self, my guides, and to this Soul Reading process in my own personal way.

A. L.


Dear Julia,

Thank you so much for the recording. It was such a great session. I have tried MANY different modalities to help me but the womb healing with you finally created the shift that I was always hoping for.

I have had some additional AHA moments and some old emotions and memories from childhood that I forgot about came up for clearing. It was amazing to feel these old stuck energies leave my body and realize how one thing connects to another.

This has been life changing in the best possible way.



I just wanted to follow up and thank you so much. 

When I listened to the Womb healing again (I did Parts 1 & 2 last night, and paused for almost an hour to write down all the things that came to mind before Part 2 - two pages ) it was so powerful! 

I went very deep and didn't try to recall the positive downloads or intentions because I want them to be as effective as possible without my conscious control. 

What has come up since then is some ancestral memories from my mother's side. I feel that however lousy I feel right now is just the effect of a lot of those dark energies leaving, and it may just be the next week or so as you suggested before I feel much better. Thankfully. 

Also, more minor stuff like "nobody likes me" that is now dissolving, seeing it may actually be related to the generations before me.



I have received wonderful help from the Womb and Ancestral healing videos. Thank you, Julia for sharing such tools of unlocking pain.

​I feel all the times I went through them (5x) each really taught me about "witnessing". My mum was in such a tough place when I was born. My ancestors even more so. . .

This practise created an ability for me to connect deeply in releasing more ancestral stuff recently.

How mentored I feel! With so few Wise Souls available to do the job, I am deeply grateful you are able to mentor so many of us at once.

Of course, I recognize All that comes through you to us, but you still have to participate! Much Love and Recognition to you and your willingness."​

V. Ingrid Alexander

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish and how long do I have access for?

It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

How much time should I reserve for this course?

I recommend you reserve 3-4 hours to make the most of this experience.

NOTE: It is possible that this can be experienced as a powerful deep healing session which should be not taken lightly. So ideally, reserve several days after where you will not attend any significant social gatherings, and consume no alcohol for at least 24-48 hours after this experience to ensure a smooth integration of healing and recalibration that can take place on many levels. 

Can I do this healing experience more than one time?

You can go through the Womb Healing journey as many times as you feel guided to over many years. Ideally, leave 7-40 days between each session. Each time you will have a slightly different experience with further layers (of information and energy) coming up. Make sure to keep track of your progress by writing notes after each session. Each time you will go deeper, realize more important aspects of your past, present and future, and align stronger with your pure soul essence. More instructions inside the course.

Can I still do the course if I don't know anything about my mother's life experience during her pregnancy with me?

YES! Your wise body has a record of her experience within your DNA. You will be guided during to trust in the wisdom of your body and to allow it to reveal to you the most relevant information to support your healing and alignment with your increasing well being.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can email Julia at [email protected] in the first 8 days and you will receive a full refund.


To ensure your well being, it is strongly advised NOT TO do this guided healing session by yourself if you are aware of extreme trauma or severe abuse of any form in your recent family lineage, or if your birth was extremely traumatic. In such cases it is very important to do the Womb Healing in a presence of an experienced practitioner who can guide you safely through it. You can find such practitioners HERE.

Also, if you suffer from mental or emotional disorders, you should participate in guided inner journeys with a supervision of an experienced licenced professional.

By participating in this type of healing session, you take full responsibility for the outcome.