Main Intention and a Disclaimer

This entire course is designed to expand your understanding of your soul's existence within the Universe, and to help you see your life from a much higher perspective. It may even give you a sense of timelessness and purposefulness of your greater being.

We will focus on many different aspects of our human existence in relation to Stars and their influence on our mind, body, and soul.

My main intention for creating this course was to assist people who are wondering about:

  • who they are on a soul level,
  • where they come from,
  • what star systems are they connected to,
  • connecting to their soul star family, often staring at the night sky,
  • what is their purpose, their soul mission on Earth,
  • their dreams, meditation, or hypnosis regression experiences from places that seemed unearthly,
  • their experience with extra-terrestrial beings,
  • their feeling that Earth is not the only place they have lived on,
  • and of course, people interested in exploring the great potential of Astrology and taking it to the next level.

People may find great comfort, clarity, and validation of their intuitive knowing when they learn about star systems that are aligned with their astrological chart, and how these star systems may be influencing their every-day life.

Sometimes the influence is very strong and sometimes quite minimal. Depending on the alignments and transits. You will learn about all this, and much more, in this course.


I would like to highlight here that Galactic Astrology is not meant to boost people's egos and make them feel special. That was never my intention. I am grateful that I am witnessing how this work is making people more humble, more responsible with their own choices, more self-reflective and consciously aware of the profound impact of their every-day choices on multiple generations not only on earth but also in greater cosmos. Uncovering our connection to stars and how the stars influence our life can and should be used as invaluable tool for personal evolution, a journey towards greater well being, harmony, clarity, peace, love, connection, sovereignty...self-mastery.


Every effort has been made by me (Julia Balaz) to properly cite resources and give appropriate credit to content creators (books, websites, videos) presented inside this course as an invitation for you to explore additional resources that may be complementing to this course.

Any instance where an external source has been provided, no infringement is intended and no profit is being gained by including these external links, as they are shared as optional resources for you to pursue outside of this course and are not a requirement for a successful completion of this course.

These optional materials may enhance your practice or broaden your studies, in the same way a college class will inform you of additional resources available for you to follow upon, should you choose to do so on your own. They are offered in the spirit of sharing and pointing you toward a broad range of resources, information, and insight relevant to the material covered.


“AUTHOR” – Julia Balaz, as the creator of this program and the original content contained within this course material.

“COURSE” – the program as a whole, the material within (both written, video and audio recordings, documents and files. 

“INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY” – The content in this course is at large an intellectual property of Julia Balaz who shared her own experience with exploring how Astrological data reflects the life experiences and past life regressions of her many clients over many years of her research and data collection. No portion of this material may be posted or shared outside of this course, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, posted on social media, on personal websites, etc. without Julia’s expressed permission.

“COURSE MATERIAL” – copyrighted materials, intellectual property and work product created specifically by Julia Balaz, documents and forms specific to the course, body of work, material and worksheets.

“PROPRIETARY MATERIAL” – This includes the Galactic Astrology calculator/system and chart that are available on website. This also includes PRINTABLES of various charts and other helpful material to support your journey with the Galactic Astrology 101 course.

“ADDITIONAL RESOURCES” – any supporting information, material, and content created by others and included in this course as external links, “copy” snips that are properly cited and referenced to the original source. 

“STUDENT” – any person who has paid to take this course, has been granted access to the various private benefits available only to students of the course, including (but not limited to) the following list of benefits – 

  • All written and recorded course material, outlined in each module with sub-lessons
  • Provided with their own personal login access to the course
  • Provided ongoing support through the comments section at the end of each module lesson or direct email to the course support team.


The act of purchasing this course is considered as your agreement to participate in this course as its student, to study and utilize the material presented within, to uphold the community guidelines, uphold the confidentiality of the personal identity and information of other students and any experiences they share within the course community, and act with integrity around sharing outside of this course only what you have been given permission to share. We thank you in advance for embodying high integrity.


If you have any questions or feedback in relation to this course, please do not hesitate to contact Julia Balaz directly on her email: [email protected] or her Admin support team: Margo [email protected] or Kellie [email protected]. Our Galactic Astrology calculator website is managed by Hector who can be reached on [email protected].


A lot of information in this course cannot be proven or disproven as it is mainly of metaphysical and hypothetical nature.

As a conscious participant of this course, you take sole responsibility for any decisions or actions you may take based on the information presented in this course.

Throughout this course, I encourage you to feel into the resonance of the information with your own own being. As with any research, it is best you focus on the information that resonates with your being and leave out what does not feel right for you and do further research if you feel guided to.

I invite you to explore the content of this course with an open mind and heart.

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